CCSO Warns of Lottery Scam

SCAM ALERT! The Christian County Sheriff’s Office received a report last week about another scam making it’s rounds in our community. A resident on Princeton Rd. received a call from someone claiming they had won a lottery and just needed to send $200 to an address in Connecticut to claim their prize. They then notified us, and no money was sent, thankfully. This one is quite common and has been around for years now. We ask that you not give out personal information such as bank account numbers, date of birth, or social security numbers over the phone. Keep your information secure, as there are a lot of people out to get it. If you have any questions, or have received a similar call, contact us or your local law enforcement agency before you do anything. Knowledge is power and we want you to keep your money! Please share this with your family and friends, and as always, thank you for partnering with the Christian County Sheriff’s Office! -Chris M. Miller, Captain/ PIO
Christian County Sheriff's Office's photo.
